Fundación General de la Universidad de SalamancaPrograma Operativo Cooperación Transfronteriza España-Portugalpslcenie

"People´s Choice" Award

Open online voting period

Once the evaluation period has ended and the jury has selected the 60 finalist photographs of the "Long lived lives: the constant vitality" contest, the period for selecting the winner of the “Elección del público”, the winner of the audience choice prize has been opened.

The winner of the "People´s Choice" award will be the photograph that receives the most votes from the participating public in the voting.

The public can choose, if they wish, a favourite photograph in each category using the online voting system enabled on our website. To do so, the user must first register on our website through the icon placed at the top right of the page. Only one vote is allowed per user and category.).

The voting period will end on June 30th 2022 at 24:00h (time -UTC+01:00- Brussels, Copenhagen, Madrid, Paris).

The winner will be announced on the website of the International Centre on Ageing (CENIE) in June, along with the other prize winners in all categories.

This activity developed by CENIE is part of the Programme for a Long-lived society, developed within the framework of the INTERREG V-A Programme, Spain-Portugal, POCTEP, 2014-2020, of the European Regional Development Fund.

Finalistas: Gente

Finalistas: Miradas

Finalistas: Miradas Ibéricas

Finalistas: Miradas en la Raya

Finalistas: Imágenes artísticas

Finalistas: Drones/Aéreas

Photography Contest

Under the framework of: Programa Operativo Cooperación Transfronteriza España-Portugal
Sponsors: Fundación General de la Universidad de Salamanca Fundación del Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas Direção Geral da Saúde - Portugal Universidad del Algarve - Portugal