Fundación General de la Universidad de SalamancaPrograma Operativo Cooperación Transfronteriza España-Portugalcenie

The photography contest "Longevity: the positive sum of life", launched in June 2020, in which 572 photographers from 65 countries have participated, submitting a total of 2,472 works.

With a total of eight prizes ranging from 1,250 to 5,000 euros, the winners, from as diverse backgrounds as the participation obtained in the competition, have exhibited their work, managing to stand out from the rest and being evaluated by a professional jury that respected and followed the guidelines indicated in the rules at all times.

The photographs chosen not only meet the required criteria but also stand out for their quality and vision of what this competition means.

The works submitted are currently being evaluated by an exceptional jury made up of Luis Malibrán, Laura San Segundo, Jorge Salgado, María Santoyo, Álvaro Ibarra and José Luis Amores

Luis Malibrán. He has worked in advertising and fashion for the most important national and international firms. Some of them are: Elle, Marie Claire, Woman, Glamour, Telva, El Corte Inglés, L Oreal, Schwarzkopf, Carlsberg, Loewe, Cortefiel, Larios, Adolfo Domínguez, Roberto Verino, etc...

Laura San Segundo: Photographer, art director and teacher of photography and contemporary art. After graduating in Fine Arts from the Complutense University of Madrid, she received the XIII Roberto Villagraz Scholarship for the Master Degree in Contemporary Photography at EFTI, where she was awarded the Futuro Al Betrayal end-of-course prize.

Jorge Salgado: He began his photographic training in 1985 at the Centro de Estudios de la Imagen in Madrid, and later began working as an assistant to several advertising photographers and as a director and camera operator for various film productions, commercials and corporate videos for large companies and institutions. He worked in the studio of Ricardo Arias, a prestigious advertising photographer, and made his first contact with digital photography.

Álvaro Ibarra. Documentary photographer, filmmaker who has worked in more than 40 countries on key assignments for TIME Magazine, New York Times, Le Monde, Libératenos, Newsweek, Sunday Times Magazine, CNN, Vanity Fair, XLSEMANAL and many others.

María Santoyo: Director of the International Master of Contemporary Photography. Graduate in Art History from the UCM. Researcher, cultural manager and professor specialized in History of Photography and Image Analysis. Exhibition curator. Director of international projects (Aperture Foundation, Magnum Photos, Kathy Ryan, Mónica Allende and Trisha Ziff), she teaches at the Instituto Superior de Arte, the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, the Universidad Europea, the Universidad Complutense de Madrid, EFTI and NYU de Madrid.

José Luis Amores: Director of EFTI. International Centre of Photography and Film. Editor and curator of exhibitions. He has participated as a jury in a hundred contests and scholarships.

Finalistas: Miradas en la Raya

Finalistas: Gente

Finalistas: Miradas

Finalistas: Miradas Ibéricas

Finalistas: Imágenes artísticas

Finalistas: Drones/Aéreas

Under the framework of: Programa Operativo Cooperación Transfronteriza España-Portugal
Sponsors: Fundación General de la Universidad de Salamanca Fundación del Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas Direção Geral da Saúde - Portugal Universidad del Algarve - Portugal