Bases 2023

FGUSAL                Interreg           





The General Foundation of the University of Salamanca, through CENIE, among other relevant actions, is the promoter and developer of the New Long-Lived Societies project, which is based on the strategic, committed and constructive decision to address longevity as one of the strengths of present and future society.

The rapid increase in life expectancy has prevented or hindered the necessary adaptation of institutions, social and relational practices, workplaces and, in general, society as a whole. It is therefore necessary to undertake a new task to promote a better perception of what longevity entails, of its challenges and opportunities. The aim of this Photography Competition is to contribute to all of this, with the following basic objectives:

- To encourage a change in the perception of what old age and longevity mean.

- To understand what longevity entails and the social, cultural and structural changes associated with it.

- To strengthen new forms of relationships between different generations.

New Longevity Societies is an approved initiative (0137_NSL_6_E) in the INTERREG VI-A Cooperation Programme, Spain-Portugal, (POCTEP), 2021-2027, financed by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF).


The 5th edition of the Photography Competition, promoted by the Fundación General de la Universidad de Salamanca (FGUSAL) in the framework of the New Long-Lived Societies, will start on 1 December 2023 and will end on 30 June 2024 at 24:00h (time -UTC+01:00- Brussels, Copenhagen, Madrid, Paris).

By registering, each entrant fully accepts the rules of the Competition and certifies that he/she is 18 years of age or older.


The following 6 categories must be based on the theme of the competition: "NEW LONG-LIVED SOCIETIES":

1. People: Portraits and photos of people that emphasise the importance and positivity of generational diversity and their interrelationship.

2. Looks. Photographic images of events, objects or activities showing the value of the new long-lived societies, in which five and six generations coexist in the same temporal space.

3. Iberian looks. Photographic images of events, objects or activities showing the value of the new long-lived societies, in which five and six generations live together in the same temporary space, and which are located in Spain and Portugal.

4. Looks on the Line: Photographic images of events, objects or activities showing the value of the new long-lived societies, in which five and six generations live together in the same temporary space and which are located in the cross-border territory1 of Spain and Portugal.

5. Artistic Images: Photographs manipulated for artistic purposes, through the application of digital and/or traditional special effects (i.e. colouring, toning, collage, photographic composites, HDR, etc.) with the theme of new long-lived societies.

6. Drones/Aerials: Any photograph captured using an unmanned aerial vehicle, commonly known as a drone. Images taken from airplanes/helicopters with the theme of new long-lived societies are also accepted.

1. The cross-border territory of Spain and Portugal is made up of 37 NUTS III countries belonging to both countries:

- Spain: Ourense, Pontevedra, Zamora, Salamanca, Cáceres, Badajoz, Huelva, A Coruña, Lugo, Ávila, León, Valladolid, Cadiz, Córdoba and Sevilla.

- Portugal: Alto Minho, Cávado, Terras Tras-os-Montes, Douro, Beiras and Serra de Estela, Beira Baixa, Alto Alentejo, Alentejo Central, Baixo Alentejo, Algarve, Ave, Alto Tâmega, Tâmega e Sousa, Área Metropolitana do Porto, Viseu Dão-Lafões, Região de Coimbra, Médio Tejo, Região de Aveiro, Região de Leiria, Oeste and Alentejo Litoral.

In any category, for a photograph to be eligible, it must have been taken by the entrant in the period between 1 December 2023 and the closing date of the Competition. In turn, the entrant, by submitting his or her photograph to the competition, assures that he or she is the sole creator and owner of the copyright of the photograph submitted.

The submitted photos are eligible in all categories. Minor adjustments are accepted for all categories, including removal of sensor dust or scratches on negative scans, overexposure and burning, sharpening, contrast, toning, slight colour adjustment and conversion to greyscale. Addition and subtraction of objects is not allowed, except in the Artistic Images category. If the jury determines that a photographer has altered his or her photograph beyond the normal best practices of photojournalism, the jury reserves the right to enter the photograph into the Artistic Images category or disqualify it. Image compositions that include HDR and stitched panoramas will be considered Artistic Images. Artificial Intelligence (AI) generated images are not allowed.

For photos in which one or more persons are recognisable, participants must be able to provide the necessary authorisation from the person or persons in the photo or, in the case of a minor, the authorisation of the parent or guardian, which must be presented upon request by the FGUSAL.

Similarly, participants whose photos depict the work of others (such as sculptures, statues, paintings and other copyrighted works) must be able to provide the required authorisation from the copyright holder to the FGUSAL, if requested. When photographing the work of others, it must be treated as an object in its environment and not as a complete close-up of someone else's creation.

Further to the aforementioned copyright treatment, photos that violate or infringe another person's rights will never be eligible.

Similarly, photos with sexually explicit, obscene or violent content, or those that, in the opinion of the FGUSAL, present inappropriate content, will not be eligible.


Participants must reveal the circumstances under which an image was captured, as well as any instructions given to a person who appears in the image.

The well-being of the person(s) in the images and their environment should be placed ahead of the desire to capture a photograph. By entering the contest, participants certify that the persons in the images were treated with respect and dignity, and that no person, wildlife, or environment was harmed by the creation of a photograph.

If bait was used to attract wildlife, or special equipment such as camera traps and drones were used to capture the photograph, this must be disclosed. Live bait from wildlife is not allowed.

How to participate

Each participant may submit up to 5 photographs for each of the categories, but may never exceed 30 photographs in total.

The photographs must be sent in .jpeg or .jpg format at 72dpi, edited for the web in sRGB colour space, at least 2,000 pixels on their largest side and no heavier than 5 MB.

For each photo submitted, the corresponding form must be completed and can be downloaded from our website

The Competition application form can be downloaded at Photographs sent by post will be accepted.

No more than one entrant per email address will be accepted.

High quality scans of non-digital photographs are acceptable.

Digital photographs should be taken at the highest resolution possible.

Finalists may be asked to submit an original, unedited digital file or an original negative, print or slide.

Original negatives, prints or slides will only be returned to finalists.

FGUSAL reserves the right to disqualify entrants who are unable to submit, upon request, a high-resolution photograph of at least 300 dpi at 2,000 pixels on the longest side or an original negative, print or slide of the photo. Moving photographs are exempt from this size requirement but, if requested by the FGUSAL, must be submitted at the highest resolution.

Upon submission, the FGUSAL may collect the metadata of a photograph.


1. The fact of participating in the Competition implies:

- Each participant guarantees that he/she is the sole owner of all rights to the photograph he/she submits to the competition, and that he/she has authorisation and is therefore responsible for the use and dissemination of those images that include people who may be recognised or works by other people that are protected by copyright.

- To accept that the photographs submitted may be used in the exhibition, display or eventual visual edition of a catalogue derived from this Competition.

- Agree that, by entering the Competition, FGUSAL or CENIE (and those authorised by FGUSAL or CENIE) are granted a worldwide, royalty-free, perpetual, non-exclusive licence to display, distribute, reproduce and create derivative works from the entries in whole or in part, in any media now existing or later developed, for any purpose, including but not limited to FGUSAL or CENIE advertising and promotion, exhibition and commercial products (this includes any sale of products using the photograph), including but not limited to FGUSAL or CENIE publications. Any photograph shall, to the extent possible, include the copyright of the photographer who took the photograph. In connection with such uses, FGUSAL or CENIE shall not be obliged to pay any additional consideration or seek additional approval.

- FGUSAL is not responsible for any downloads that are illegally made of the photographic works exposed in its portal or in that of CENIE.

Personal data

Participation in the Contest requires the collection of your name and email address. By entering this Contest, you agree to the use of your name and email address for future communications related to the Contest.

Deadline for registration

The Competition starts on 1 December 2023. All entries must be received, via the entry form created on the website, by 24:00h (UTC+01:00- Brussels, Copenhagen, Madrid, Paris) on 31 June 2024.


Photographs will be judged on creativity, quality and originality.

FGUSAL will select 10 finalists for each category, one winner for each category and one CENIE Grand Prize winner from among the 60 finalists.

The 60 finalists will be duly notified of their status in the last quarter of 2024 and will be featured on our website.

The Grand Prize winner and category winners will be announced online in the last quarter of 2024.

The FGUSAL, through CENIE, will communicate with the finalists and winners of the Competition, making use of the contact information provided by each entrant in the entry form. The FGUSAL, within five working days of such notification being sent, may disqualify anyone who does not respond to the notifications sent.


Seven prizes will be awarded, as indicated below:

- CENIE Grand Prize: €5,000.

- Winners in each category: Winners in each of the 6 categories will receive €1,250.

Only one prize per person will be awarded.

Only one prize will be awarded per person.

In relation to the financial amounts of the above prizes, winners must sign a permission and licence form and a declaration of eligibility, and are responsible for paying any taxes that may be due on receipt of the prize.

Online use features

FGUSAL may select photos to be highlighted on its website or displayed in a publicly accessible competition archive, both on its website and on CENIE's website; such selections will be made at the discretion of FGUSAL.

Final Provisions

1. The organisation will not respond to calls or letters regarding the results of the Competition. Participants must wait for the publication of the Jury's decision. Only the winners will be notified of the result of the Competition.

2. Each entrant assumes the risk of loss or damage to photographs or other material incurred during the submission process.

3. All participants release FGUSAL, its managers, directors, officers, employees and collaborators (hereinafter, the "Indemnified Parties") from and against all claims of any nature arising in connection with the participant's participation in the Contest and the acceptance or use of a prize. The Indemnified Parties are not responsible for any costs, damages, injuries or other claims incurred due to entrants' participation in the Contest or winner's acceptance and use of a prize. The Indemnified Parties are not responsible for incomplete or misdirected Contest entry, submission of photographs, technical or network malfunctions or failures, or causes beyond their control. Participants are solely responsible for their tickets. Entrants may not submit materials that are politically partisan, contain advertising, nudity, personal attacks, or are otherwise abusive or threatening, illegal, harassing, discriminatory, libelous, obscene, false, sexually explicit, or infringe the rights of any third.4. FGUSAL reserves the right to cancel the contest or modify these rules at its discretion.

4. Participants may not submit materials that introduce software viruses or other programs designed to damage software, hardware or telecommunications equipment, that do not correspond to the theme of the Contest, or that infringe the rights of third parties.

5. FGUSAL reserves the right to cancel the Contest or modify the rules that govern it at its discretion.

6. In the event of a dispute over the winners, FGUSAL reserves the right to award or not award the prizes.

7. FGUSAL reserves the right to disqualify any participant whose registration or conduct may inhibit the enjoyment of others, disrupt the competition, violate these rules or other applicable laws or regulations, infringe the rights of third parties, or act in a manner unsportsmanlike or harmful.

8. The decisions of the FGUSAL are final and binding.

9. Any omission verified in these regulations will be resolved by the organizing entity.

Under the framework of: Programa Operativo Cooperación Transfronteriza España-Portugal
Sponsors: Fundación General de la Universidad de Salamanca Fundación del Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas Direção Geral da Saúde - Portugal Universidad del Algarve - Portugal