habINdem tiene como objetivo fomentar la creación de una comunidad inclusiva para las personas con demencia.
The Santa Casa de la Misericordia de Riba de Ave (SCMRA) is developing a project to create a Centre for Research, Diagnosis, Training and Monitoring of Dementias (CIDIFAD), which aims to be a concrete proposal for the diversity of phenomena and needs caused by the dementia syndrome, through the development of Home Support Services, Day Unit and differentiated Internment (stages 1, 2 and 3) and palliative care. The SCMRA aims to create the CIDIFAD from references of excellence, in terms of intervention and adaptation of spaces for people with dementia. Therefore, the habINdem project aims to consider the adaptation of institutional habitats (CIDIFAD), domestic and surrounding spaces gathering guidelines that support the design and adaptation of the same to people (different types of people, contexts and different degrees of evolution of the disease).