The Elder Connected, Related and Assisted - EMERIT

EMERITI busca investigar como introducir de forma efectiva el uso de los asistentes de voz por personas de la tercera edad.

The project "El Mayor conEctado, Relacionado y asIsTIdo" - EMERITI seeks the incursion of voice assistants currently available in the day to day of the elderly. 

In order to achieve this, the following specific objectives are proposed to be developed during the project:

  • Study of the state of the art of voice assistants and their use by the elderly.
  • Study of the use of voice assistants for the control of domotic and electronic devices in the daily life of an elderly person.
  • Study of the use of voice assistants for communication with family and friends and the use of purchase and assistance services.
  • Elaboration of a guide of good practices in the use of voice assistants and their integration with devices and tasks of the daily life of elderly people showing how they can help them in their aging process.
Under the framework of: Programa Operativo Cooperación Transfronteriza España-Portugal
Sponsors: Fundación General de la Universidad de Salamanca Fundación del Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas Direção Geral da Saúde - Portugal Universidad del Algarve - Portugal