Sociedad · 31 May 2018

The other side of retirement

Por cenie
La otra cara de la jubilación - Sociedad, Emprendimiento

For many of us, the nirvana of retirement is an illusion. It lasts a short time and the expectations dreamed (sleep late, travel, play with grandchildren, etc.) often are not fulfilled. Those retirees who have been single, divorced or widowed, soon feel quite isolated. The person misses his peers and mental activity, sometimes without consciously identifying him.

In part, and to fill this void there are hobbies and opportunities that open the doors to new learning challenges and that fill the lives of those who dare to move forward with meaning. But not only that, there are even specialized programs in senior education that are true oases in the middle of the desert that sometimes becomes this stage. Such programs are often taught near a university or college and are characterized by low or moderate cost (although there are some exceptions). In the process, retirees select, develop and manage their own learning, including college, accompanied by brilliant results. Literally, this enriches life in the process.

A retiree of the business sector spoke bluntly on this subject, in an interview with a Portuguese media: "The subsequent learning can open the eyes of people to things they have wanted for years, for me, the themes were music Classical and Shakespeare ".

To counteract the monotony, the learning environment provides novelty: new friends, new interests, discovery of freedom and the power to decide. After years of efforts and difficulties, retirees who decide to bet on education experience a special taste in tackling the new challenges that this represents. The topics of interest may be in subjects not controlled by strict academic demands while, at the same time, being guided (through affiliation with the university or college) by traditional and contemporary events and interests.

From golf to skiing, learning new languages, music or learning with new technologies, seniors have shown that it is never too late to learn.

Things to Do

According to The Alzheimer's Association, keeping the mind active helps reduce the risk of mental illnesses such as dementia. You could dedicate yourself to a hobby like painting or pottery. If you want to challenge yourself a little more, consider learning a musical instrument or enrolling in a continuing education program that you previously did not have time to complete. Some colleges and universities offer special discounts for retirees over a certain age.

Try a new career: studies show that many retirees are not ready to stop working and increasingly choose a second career in their 60s, 70s and even 80s. Whether you're consulting or starting a business, it's possible to migrate your skills to an exciting but less demanding job. From charities and nonprofits to a cause such as early childhood education, look for an activity that is aligned with your interests and will give you satisfaction.

Travel: the responsibilities of work and family leave little time (and sometimes also little money) to travel. That is why many people would like to spend most of their golden years traveling. To make sure they have enough money to meet their travel plans, some retirees look for jobs that provide them with income and free time.

Volunteering: many seniors plan to carry out some type of volunteer activities in their retirement home or local community. Whether you are teaching a yoga class, reading for students with problems in learning or helping at a local charity, it is important to determine what you like to do and how much time and effort you are willing to offer. Be realistic about what you can contribute and also about your group expectations and activities.

Exercise: Physical activity helps older people maintain the ability to live independently and reduces the risk of falls and broken bones. Moderately intense, low-impact activities, such as walking, have many health benefits, such as lowering cholesterol and lowering blood pressure. From swimming and golf to dancing, there are many ways to keep moving and have fun while exercising.

The important thing is to want to continue learning and enjoying a new stage that is worth living intensely, taking advantage of everything that could not before and putting "all the meat in the barbecue". And you know: Do not stay at home!

Under the framework of: Programa Operativo Cooperación Transfronteriza España-Portugal
Sponsors: Fundación General de la Universidad de Salamanca Fundación del Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas Direção Geral da Saúde - Portugal Universidad del Algarve - Portugal