Investigación · 24 January 2018

Gadgets and aging: The essentials

Por cenie
Gadgets y el envejecimiento: Los imprescindibles - Investigación, Sociedad

The number of elderly people using the Internet and new technologies continues to increase, with a large majority of those who already have and use a mobile phone. However, there is still a long way to go before we can say that senior citizens are fully aware of the technology and how it works.

The fact is that current technology can keep older people involved, connected, mentally active and physically secure, which makes it increasingly important for this community to stay in the circle of new technologies. So, what devices should older people and their caregivers take into account?

Essential gadgets for seniors:

Yes, it seems obvious, but a tablet may be more useful than it seems. From games that promote brain ability to applications that track health information, a tablet can have a variety of positive impacts on the lives of older people. They can see photos, read, listen to music, in addition to being light devices, their touch screens are easy to use and the font sizes can be adjusted for easy use.

New generation hearing aids

Having to use a bulky ear device is no longer an excuse for older adults to run out of hearing aids. The continued decrease in the size of devices and the advances in wireless transmission methods such as Bluetooth has meant great improvements in this hearing technology. The hearing aids can be small, transparent and almost invisible, or they can even be implanted inside the ear. To facilitate the life of its user, there are intelligent hearing aids capable of translating up to 40 languages ​​in real time.

Health tracking software

There is a large amount of software and applications available to help control health, remember medications and even track nutritional needs. These help the elderly to take care of their needs and well-being. It is a branch of technology that is also of great value to caregivers.


Mobile phones are increasingly more manageable for the elderly, with models that have larger buttons, for example, as well as fast dialing with photo and voice recognition for easy use. Smartphones are not only essential to help older adults stay connected with friends and family, but they can also help perform important safety functions, such as sending medication reminders and GPS locations.

Wireless home monitoring

Home monitoring systems that employ sensors can literally be lifesavers for older people who live alone, either at home or in a residence. They can detect emergencies such as falls, report unusual behaviors and even track vital signs, without interfering with privacy. Homecare technology can help older people stay independent and safe. In addition to home monitoring and GPS, there are devices such as LED lighting, medication dispensing devices, enhanced phone dialers with photo and stove shutdown systems that can help older people with cognitive impairment.


If you have a loved one who is worried about getting lost, or who has dementia and is occasionally lost or disoriented, GPS technology can immediately alert caregivers about their location if they leave their comfort zone. There are separate GPS trackers that connect to your wrist or clothes, as well as GPS apps for smartphones.

We have named only some of the gadgets that can help a person feel more integrated in society and safe in their home, however, the great advances in this field open a world of possibilities. Artificial intelligence and all its gadgets are presented as the great bet for the future and its utilities will be of the most interesting for aging. Combating isolation and providing autonomy are the objectives to achieve in the short and long term.

CES 2018

The largest consumer show in the electronic world, CES, is proof that the world is increasingly aware of the reality of population aging and, although the products presented may seem somewhat "awkward", the intention is good.

Helite Hip'Air

Hip injuries are of most concern to the elderly. Developed in residences in France, the Hip'Air resembles a fanny pack and is equipped with sensors, a battery, air bags and an air cartridge. When the sensors detect a fall, the airbags deploy to help prevent the fall and prevent serious injury.

Smart shoes E-vone

With GPS and other sensors that detect abnormal movements, these E-vone shoes are intended for seniors, workers and travelers. When the footwear detects a fall, the warning messages are automatically sent to the emergency contacts provided by the user or to the emergency services.


Under the framework of: Programa Operativo Cooperación Transfronteriza España-Portugal
Sponsors: Fundación General de la Universidad de Salamanca Fundación del Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas Direção Geral da Saúde - Portugal Universidad del Algarve - Portugal