· 10 November 2020

Juntos damos más vida a Zamora launches its own Advent Calendar


Longevity, happily associated with the worldwide increase in life expectancy, is already a social reality of the utmost importance, full of opportunities and also of a necessary review of everything that has to do with the socio-demographic change that is taking place.

It is precisely to contribute to a better perception and integration of this promising circumstance that the Programme for a Long-lived Society was born, promoted by the General Foundation of the University of Salamanca, through the International Centre on Ageing (CENIE), and within the framework of the INTERREG V-A Cooperation Programme, Spain-Portugal, POCTEP, 2014-2020, of the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF).

Among its various actions, the one developed under the slogan "Juntos damos más vida a Zamora", which seeks to identify a model of quality of life for the elderly, which will serve as a national and international reference, as an expression of an inclusive, inclusive and economically sustainable society, occupies a prominent place. All of this is based on a series of actions related to Education, Economy, Health, Employment and Culture. It is precisely in this last area that the launch of the Nativity Scenes of the World initiative is included, which was created as a:

- A cultural action for everyone.

- A happy proposal for intergenerational encounters.

- A new way of bringing culture closer to the target audience.

- A cultural experience that integrates the elderly and makes them protagonists and promoters of a reference activity.

- An experience that can be replicated in other environments.

All of this will be accompanied by research that will make it possible to establish the necessary protocols to convert the cultural offerings into dynamic elements for the older population, from an open, suggestive, participative and enriching approach.

Nativity Scenes of the World is an activity carried out in collaboration with the Zamora Provincial Council and the Agrupación Belenista La Morana, and involves the implementation of a series of consecutive actions:

a) Contact with institutions and associations interested in collaborating with the project.

b) Selection of the people actively participating in the research: elderly, adults, young people and children.

c) Face-to-face and telematic meetings with this group.

d) Dissemination of relevant information for the joint development of the experience.

e) Exhibition of an international nativity scene exhibition, from the best private collection in the world in its range. 

f) Visit and dynamisation of the exhibition itself.

g) Data collection.

h) Evaluation of the research.

i) Drafting and dissemination of the research study and its conclusions.

For the first of the actions, a set of communicative and informative elements have been designed, structured around three fundamental axes:

1.- Nativity Scenes. Secrets and keys to this unique artistic expression, so deeply rooted in the city of Zamora.

2.- Diary of a collection. Information that helps to identify and get to know the most singular details of the most important pieces in the exhibition.

3.- Literary texts. A set of Christmas carols - in textual and audio versions - which reinforce and amplify the contents of the previous information blocks.

All of this is based on a particular Advent Calendar, corresponding to the 57 days that the information dissemination phase will cover and which will begin on 10 November 2020 and end on 6 January 2021.

Each day of this Calendar will contain information related to the aforementioned thematic repertoires, ultimately making up a basic body of information, created with the intention of being shared in family, friendship, educational, cultural and social circles, with the elderly being its main transmitters.


Discover our Advent Calendar

Under the framework of: Programa Operativo Cooperación Transfronteriza España-Portugal
Sponsors: Fundación General de la Universidad de Salamanca Fundación del Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas Direção Geral da Saúde - Portugal Universidad del Algarve - Portugal